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Apata Montessori Schools - Private School in Abule Egba

Elementary Education (Primary), Nursery Education

Sunday Omoniyi


Apata Montessori is dedicated to providing a caring and stimulating environment, which is safe and welcoming to all, nurturing self esteem in all and to develop confidence and self discipline. Also to educate the child in academic and life skills as well as good grooming for distinct life.

Apata Montessori is dedicated to providing a caring and stimulating environment, which is safe and welcoming to all, nurturing self esteem in all and to develop confidence and self discipline.


Subject Offered

  • Mathematics
  • English Language
  • Social Studies
  • Cultural and Creative Art
  • Agric Science
  • Home Economics
  • Foreign Languages
  • Music
  • Religion and National Value
  • Qualitative Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Phonics
  • Basic Science and Basic Technology
  • PHE
And some others which may not be captured

Available Facilities

  1. Conducive Learning Environment
  2. Standard Library
  3. Qualified Teachers
  4. Montessori Facilities
  5. Expository Curriculum

Extracurricular Activities

  1. Football
  2. Athletics
  3. Taekwondo
  4. Ballet
  5. Quiz Competition
  6. Career Day

Examinations Taken

opening Hours

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School Location:
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