Lara Day School Objectives
- To provide pupils with a challenging curriculum designed to develop their intellectual powers.
- To help pupils develop habits of industry and thoroughness and a desire for knowledge.
- To nourish pupils’ powers of appreciation and creativity so that they may enjoy life, love and understand their cultural heritages and engage in works of worthwhile self-expression.
- To guide pupils’ attitudes so that they may develop tolerance, sympathy and an active sense of responsibility toward all people and at the same time exercise honesty, decency, and duty in their own behaviour.
- To encourage the care and development of the body through teaching intelligent health habits and through encouraging participation in a diversity of vigorous physical activities, many of which can be enjoyed throughout life.
- To teach both leadership and cooperation by giving opportunities in all facets of school life for initiatives and responsibility, tact and self-control.
- To foster good, responsible and productive citizenship by creating the awareness that government based on democratic principles requires the concern, participation and sacrifice of every citizen.